Saturday, February 24, 2007

American Dad! (2005) [Tv Series]

i love this show!.. ;p.. wayd 3abee6 oo etha7ek!!.. mn 6aggat "Family Guy".. hehe..

story of Stan Smith, who works for the CIA and is constantly on the alert for terrorist activity. Stan will go to extremes to protect his beloved America from harm – as evidenced by the terror-alert color code on his fridge, and his frequent knee-jerk reaction of shooting holes in the toaster whenever the toast pops up.
sheft season 1 kella .. 6ab3an el episodes 12 & 13 7adda No Comment 3alihom :p!.. hehe.. a36ih 8/10!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Chelsea Draw..

Sorry Bs Knt Busy Shwai.. Fa Ma7a6it Esh9ar M3a iL Blues Bel Uefa Champions.. Draw 1-1 M3a Porto.. Wel Wa3ad iNshalla eb England eB mobarat el eyyab! ;)..
bagi il mobarayat kanaw.. Good..
[0] Roma x Lyon [0] "nothing new"
[1] Barcelona x Liverpool [2] "Shock!!"
[2] Inter Milan x Valencia [2] "Intersting Match!"