Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hiddink Leads Chelsea To The 3rd!

Chelsea launched the Guus Hiddink era in positive fashion as Nicolas Anelka's first-half strike earned them a 1-0 victory and kept alive their slim hopes of lifting the Premier League title as they leapfrogged Aston Villa into third spot.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Death Race (2008) [Movie]

Terminal Island, New York: 2020. Overcrowding in the U.S. penal system has reached a breaking point. Prisons have been turned over to a monolithic Weyland Corporation, which sees jails full of thugs as an opportunity for televised sport. Adrenalized inmates, a global audience hungry for violence and a spectacular, enclosed arena come together to form the 'Death Race', the world's biggest, most brutal sporting event. Five-time NASCAR champion Jensen Ames is a man who has become an expert at survival. After eight years of hard time, he has only six weeks before reuniting with his family. But when Weyland demands a driver to headline the big game, Ames is forced to submit. Donning the costume of mythical rider Frankenstein, the racer becomes an instant crowd favorite, an unequaled sporting superstar. His face hidden by a metallic black mask, one convict will be put through a brutal three day challenge, with the trophy being the ultimate prize: freedom. The only catch is that he must survive a gauntlet of the most vicious criminals in this post-industrial wasteland to claim it. Driving a monster car outfitted with machine guns, flamethrowers and grenade launchers, Ames must now kill or be killed to win the most treacherous spectator sport on Earth: 'Death Race'.

3ajeeeb u must see it! 8.6/10!

Elegy (2008) [Movie]

Charismatic professor David Kepesh glories in the pursuit of adventurous female students but never lets any woman get too close. When gorgeous Consuela Castillo enters his classroom, however, his protective veneer dissolves. Her raven-haired beauty both captivates and unsettles him. Even if Kepesh declares her body a perfect work of art, Consuela is more than an object of desire. She has a strong sense of herself and an emotional intensity that challenges his preconceptions. Kepesh's need for Consuela becomes an obsession, but ultimately his jealous fantasies of betrayal drive her away. Shattered, Kepesh faces up to the ravages of time, immersing himself in work and confronting the loss of old friends. Then, two years later, Consuela comes back into his life - with an urgent, desperate request that will change everything.

Intersting Drama.. I Liked It.. I Give It 7.8/10

Friday, February 13, 2009

Keith (2008) [Movie]

Natalie has it all: yearbook editor, scholarship to college, star athlete, reigning social queen. Then Keith enters her life. Secretive and enigmatic, he slowly lures her from her comfort zone. The more Keith holds back, the more Natalie becomes intrigued with figuring him out. In her head, she’s determined to keep him at arm’s length, but in her heart she can’t resist him. As Natalie’s world slowly unravels, both their lives are changed forever.

That's a sweet movie .. i give it 8/10 ..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sex Drive (2008) [Movie]

Eighteen year old Ian finally gets the opportunity to lose his virginity when a woman he meets on-line offers to have sex with him if he drives to Knoxville to meet her. Accompanied by friends Lance and Felicia, whom Ian has a thing for, but she in turn has a thing for Lance, take off on a road trip in Ian's brother, Rex's beloved 1969 GTO.. without permission of course.

Alot of naughty stuff in the unrated version :p overall it's a funny movie.. i give it 8/10 ..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ماكنت اظن

أنا ماكنت أظن اللي يحب يحب له شخصين
على بالي أنا لحالي وحبيبي يموت بس فيّه
على النية مشيت وماعرفت أمشي معاه لوين
إلين الوقت بيّن لي نوايا غدر مخفية
تعال وشوف وش كثر الدموع اللي تخون العين
كثر ماخانني حظي وعرفتك وأنت موليّه

Kurokami (2009) [Anime]

In this world, there are three identical looking people in existence who split between them an energy-like force called “Terra.” This energy can be attributed to the amount of “Luck” or “Life Energy” that an individual possesses. There also exists beings who observe the human world, maintaining the balance of Terra, known as the “Coexistence Equilibrium.” These beings possess ability that surpass that of a normal human being and reside in hiding in places known as the “Pure Place” in tribes. They are called the Terra Guardians. This is a tale of battle that begins with a chance meeting between a human boy named Keita and a young Tera Guardian girl named Kuro.

Martial Arts, SuperPowers & Action .. sheft menna 4 episodes and it's pretty good .. i give it 7.3/10 !!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Chelsea :@ le meta ?! ..

[0] Chelsea x Hull City [0]
*Double Thumbs Down* .. now we're the 4th .. 7ata Aston Villa 6afoona .. hojoom 3aqeem .. madre le meta hal mostawa el mahzooz .. netrayya 5air inshalla ..
[3] Liverpool x Portsmouth [2]
el mobara shahedat alot of Drama .. now Liverpool mo2aqatan The Leaders ..
Manchester United x WestHam United el youm .. mayendara shbe9er ..
Anywho .. our new boy did a good job today .. Goodnight All .. Dawam Ba3ad 4 Hours ;p lol ..

Zack And Miri Make A Porno (2008) [Movie]

Two lifelong platonic friends, strapped for cash and in debt, decide to make a porno.

It's a sexual comedy movie ;p .. i like Seth Rogen "the guy with the curly hair" ;p he's stupid and funny :p .. i give it 7.8/10

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Hasan Wa Murkus (2008) [Movie]

yetkalam 3an el we7da el wa6ania oo 3an el mase7eyen wel moslemen fi ma9er and stuff like that.. hmmm it wasnt bad.. i give it 6/10

Friday, February 06, 2009

Great Teacher Onizuka [Manga]

"wherever i go people will look and say to themselves.. What A Great Man!"

tawni 5alla9t Vol.1 men Manga GTO .. it was Awsome .. a7es enne neset el Anime ;p fa babdi agra el Manga's men ydeed .. i give it 9/10 !!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

In Dubai

and suddenly im in dubai! lol the quickest trip :p!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) [Movie]

Two young American women, Vicky and Cristina, come to Barcelona for a summer holiday. Vicky is sensible and engaged to be married; Cristina is emotionally and sexually adventurous. In Barcelona, they're drawn into a series of unconventional romantic entanglements with Juan Antonio, a charismatic painter, who is still involved with his tempestuous ex-wife Maria Elena.

Loved The Movie.. I Give It 8.9/10 !!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Advice (2001) [Movie]

Reformed bad boy actor Charlie Sheen shines in this winning romantic comedy that plays with ideas of gender difference.. (Charlie Sheen) plays a suave stockbroker named Ryan Turner, who loses his job suddenly due to one very bad decision. Unemployed and bored, Turner secretly begins to write his ex-girlfriend's (Denise Richards) popular advice column. Though crass and insensitive at first, Ryan slowly begins to empathize with the women writing into the column. His new sensitivity not only wins him a new job, but also the heart of the gorgeous newspaper publisher (Angie Harmon).

Nice Movie ;) .. I Give It 7.6/10 !!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I Never Felt Like This Before..

I never felt like this before..
Just when I leave, I'm back for more..
Nothing else here seems to matter....
In these ever-changing days..
You're the one thing that remains..
I could stay like this forever....

And it feels like tonight..
I can't believe I'm broken inside..
Can't you see that there's nothing that I wanna do,
But try to make it up to you..
And it feels like tonight...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

فلسفة و منطق

لفافة تبغ بنار على أحد طرفيها، وأحمق على الطرف الآخر.

فن انتقال المعلومة من مفكرة المحاضر إلى مذكرات الحضور، دون المرور على أدمغتهم.

فن تقسيم الكعكة بطريقة ينصرف بعدها كل من الحضور معتقدا أنه حصل على الجزء الأكبر.

غرفة الاجتماعات:
مكان يتحدث كل من به، ليرفض الجميع كل القرارات فيما بعد.

انحناءة تستقيم بها كل الأمور.

علامة توحي للآخرين بأنك تعرف أكثر مما قلت.

هي عدد الأخطاء التي ارتكبتها في حياتك السابقة.

القنبلة الذرية:
اختراع لتدمير كل اختراع.

رجل 'أحمق' يعاني طوال حياته، ويتذكروه فقط بعد موته.

شخص يطلب منك الذهاب إلى الجحيم بطريقة تجعلك تستعجل تلك الرحلة.

شخص كغيره من الناس، والفرق فقط انه تم القبض عليه متلبسا.

رجل يأتي متأخرا عندما تكون باكرا، ويأتي باكرا عندما تكون متأخرا.

رجل يهز يدك قبل الانتخابات، وثقتك بعدها.

ما نطالب به الآخرين.

التلميذ الفاشل:
هو التلميذ الذي يمكن أن يكون الأول في فصله لولا وجود الآخرين.

هو الموضوع الوحيد الذي تتفق عليه جميع النساء ويختلف عليه جميع الرجال ..

أكثر المخلوقات ثرثرة، ومع ذلك فهن يكتمن نصف ما يعرفن..

هي القدرة على وصف الآخرين كما يرون هم أنفسهم.

الرجل المشهور:
شخص يبذل أقصى جهده ليعرفه الناس جميعا، ثم يلبس نظارات سوداء ليتحاشى معرفة الناس له بعد ذلك.

أن تعتاد الراحة قبل أن يحل بك التعب ...

علم النفس:
العلم الذي يذكر لك أشياء تعرفها فعلا بكلمات لا تستطيع فهمها.

هو المخدر الذي يخفف الآم المغفلين.

صورة فوتوغرافية يحولها الزمن إلى صورة كاريكاتيرية.

ارتكاب أفظع وأبشع الأفعال تحت قناع الرقة واللباقة.

فن إخفاء نفاد الصبر.

الفتاة المثالية:
هي من ضاق خصرها، واتسع عقلها.

رجل يطلب من زوجته أن تكون مثالية إلى الحد الذي يجعلها تغفر له أنه ليس مثاليا.

رجل يتقاضى ثمن العلاج، مع أن الله هو الشافي ..

رجل يدافع عن مال موكلة ليكون من نصيبه.

رجل يكسب رزقه بطلوع الروح.

طبيب الأسنان:
رجل يحصل على لقمته من أفواه الآخرين.

رجل يتذكر عيد ميلاد زوجته وينسى عمرها.

أمانة في عنق حامله ...

التجارب :
الأسس التي يبني عليها العقلاء حياتهم ..

الوعود الزائفة:
سحب بلا أمطار.

براكين ملتهبة في صدور أصحابها.

يشبه أن تعض كلبا لأنه عضك

المغرور :
طائر كلما ارتفع بنفسه، صغر في أعين الناس ..

مهزلة تنتهي بمأساة.

يخاطب جميع المستمعين بقوله 'أعزائي' وهو لا يعرف أحدا منهم .

جواز المرور إلى قلوب الناس ..

الإشاعة :
شيء ليس له سيقان، ولكنه يتحرك بسرعة هائلة .

أكبر رأسمال مدفون لا يستخدمه العالم.

فعل وليس اسما.

القبلة :
هي الهدية الوحيدة التي نردها في اللحظة التي نأخذها فيها ..

المرأة الوحيدة التي لم تعرف الغيرة.

عطلة آخر الحياة

الشيء الوحيد الذي لا يصدقه الناس

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chrome Shelled Regios (2009) [Anime]

The world was infected by "Pollutant" years ago - world cracked open and generally screwed up. This Pollutant spawns nasty "Pollutant Beasts", but it's also resulted in people gaining special powers. The towns that now litter the world are protected by alchemists and are mobile - these are the "Regios" of the title.

The story follows a guy named Lei-Fon Alseif who starts at a new school following the disappearance of his childhood friend and gets recruited into the special 17th Platoon in order to combat Pollutant Beasts.

The 1st Episode Is Not Bad And Looks Promising .. 7/10

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

To Your Sweetheart..

Be real sweet to your sweetheart..
Never never make her cry..
'Cause you'll always miss the water when the well goes dry....

Make true love to your lover..
When the moon's high in the sky..
'Cause you'll always miss the water when the well goes dry....

It's tough to be alone and you're love is not there..
It's rough to need your (inaudible) lying in your solitaire...

So, be sweet to your sweetheart..
and she'll never say goodbye..
Then the water in your well will never never go dry....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach (2008) [Movie]

An over-zealous high school janitor takes on the task of coaching a group of lovable misfits to the Nebraska state tennis championship, overcoming their motley backgrounds in the process.

kent metwaqi3 enna ekon a7san .. bs it wasnt .. 5.9/10

Friday, January 09, 2009


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(ولاتحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله امواتا بل احياءا عند ربهم يرزقون)
صدق الله العظيم
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

Thursday, January 08, 2009

كانوتي مع غزة

ba3ad ma gawwal ams shofaw shlon e7tefal .. kafo ya kanoute :>

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

My Best Friend's Girl (2008) [Movie]

Smart, beautiful and headstrong, Alexis is the girl of Dustin's dreams. But after only five weeks of dating, the love-struck Dustin is coming on so strong that Alexis is forced to slow things down--permanently. Devastated and desperate to get her back, Dustin turns to his best friend, Tank, the rebound specialist. A master at seducing--and offending--women, Tank gets hired by freshly dumped guys to take their ex-girlfriends out on the worst date of their lives--an experience so horrible it sends them running gratefully back to their beaus. But when Tank works his magic on Alexis, he ends up meeting the challenge of a lifetime. Alexis is the first girl who knows how to call his bluff, and Tank soon finds himself torn between his loyalty to Dustin and a strange new attraction to his best friend's girl.

Hmmm Not Bad Movie.. 6.9/10

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Street Fighter IV (2009) [PS3]

mallena men Soul Calibur 4 as a fighting game 3al PS3 nabe shai mafih syoof ;p .. hal le3ba betkon el badel el naje7 akeed oo betnafes Tekken 6 ;) .. el maw3id 17.Feb.2009 ..