Juno (2007) [Movie]
Juno is a whip-smart teen confronting an unplanned pregnancy by her classmate Bleeker. With the help of her hot best friend Leah, Juno finds her unborn child a "perfect" set of parents: an affluent suburban couple, Mark and Vanessa, longing to adopt. Luckily, Juno has the total support of her parents as she faces some tough decisions, flirts with adulthood and ultimately figures out where she belongs.
i liked the movie.. it's all about a mistake ya3ni :p.. see it.. maybe u'll like it too :D.. 7.6/10
saw it men fatra, it was good, not very but good is a fair rating I guess ;p I didnt like the ending, madree 7asait fee a better closure than giving her child up to a single woman... 8-)
9ayra adar3em ib your blog alot :$ hope u dont mind ;p
mo el 6abang ele m3aha mayabe ye9er father ;p fa mo eb kefha ;p she can't handle the baby she's young o b3d mo mal mas2olya ;p bs walla fotha ehnak ha ;p ay bent ta7mel 3adi t76 e3lan bel jreda fi walad fresh 7ag ele yabi ;p .. el 7emdlelah enna e7na ma3ndna hal swalif wela chan 9arat mas5ara :P ..
dar3emai yuba dar3emai el beit betech ;D ..
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