hmm.. it's really a disaster.. bs te6enez 3ala el other movies like jumper, iron man, the hulk, indiana jones, kung fu panda, 300, hellboy, batman and lots more.. fih cham maq6a3 ele 5aloni ath7ak.. bs eb shakel 3am.. it's sa5eef ;p.. i give it 6/10 la wayed 3alih b3d.. bs 3shan el hot chicks ele fih (vanessa minnillo,carmen electra,kim kardashian) :p.. LOL..
ana 3ndi ath7ak part oho hatha ele ye6l3on fih hal 3 sanajip ;p specially lama they rock! LOL
i cant wait ...broo7 b3d eshway ashtreeeh =D
lol, same here, sanajib is hilarious, now checking new movie alien rider.
bo-10 laish teshtreh nazla men el internet a7san ;>
neoark ;p tell me about alien rider ;>
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