Two brothers lose their mother to an incurable disease. With the power of "alchemy", they use taboo knowledge to resurrect her. The process fails, and as a toll for using this type of alchemy, the older brother, Edward Elric loses his left leg while the younger brother, Alphonse Elric loses his entire body. To save his brother, Edward sacrifices his right arm and is able to affix his brother's soul to a suit of armor. With the help of a family friend, Edward receives metal limbs - "automail" - to replace his lost ones. With that, Edward vows to search for the Philosopher's Stone to return the brothers to their original bodies, even if it means becoming a "State Alchemist", one who uses their alchemy for the military.
Amazing! i give it 8.9/10 !!!

ana bs 6ala3t awal cham 7alqa mn "brotherhood" bs m6al3a el.original kaml...
fe shay zood?
bs 9ara7a wa7d mn a7la el.anime ely maraw 3alai :)
el original el kamel ekon fillers o men el manga .. brotherhood oho bs qe9at el manga *ya3ni el a9li* fa brotherhood ya'3nech 3an el old one :D tab3eeh kamlai..
and yeah wayd 7elo :D
<3 it
Ambe ma shefta lema al7een Brotherhood, bas weddi.... Cuz el.awal kan raw3a 9ara7a... w ybacchi T^T <3 <3 <3
i saw el series bss the movie not yet , Oo akoo full metal kilish mala 3ela8a bil brother hood :/ wala nisaita 9arly muda miin chifta :p
brotherhood ahe el qe9a malat el manga fa etha mashftai awal series shofai this cuz awal series thayfen 3aleha fillers ;p oo rsoomha bay5a hatha chenna remake :D ..
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